Sherlock's Case Files contain miscellaneous postings from Skipp Porteous, president of Sherlock Investigations. Here you'll find investigative tips, testimonials, and tantalizing topics. Feel free to respond anonymously to any posting. NOTE: If you want to contact Sherlock Investigations, do NOT do it through this blog, use our email address at: www.sherlockinvestigations.com
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
The Case of the Missing Harley
Sherlock Investigations is taking more and more criminal cases as identification theft and Internet fraud proliferates. In a recent case, an Ohio man purchased a Harley on eBay for $8,000. When he didn’t receive his bike, he contacted Sherlock Investigations. Rian, our computer forensics expert, tracked down the seller through her email address.
Meanwhile, the would-be buyer filed a complaint in his home state, resulting in an arrest warrant. We notified the NYPD about the whereabouts of the fraudster. They picked her up in the middle of the night. She’s now awaiting extradition to Ohio.
We later found out that she has scammed a lot of other people for many thousands of dollars. And now the federal authorities are investigating her for wire fraud.
In a new development, it looks like our client will actually get his money back, including our investigative fees.
Celebrating Ten Years
Welcome to Sherlock's Case Files!
Our web site is meant to convey the message that we enjoy what we do, and to celebrate our team spirit when helping clients. I've always felt that if you don't enjoy what you're doing, find another career, as life is short.
At Sherlock Investigations, we receive resumes and job applications all the time. Many are impressive, and some are, well, I can’t think of something polite to say right now. For example, one guy emailed us through our site and asked me to email him my phone number so he could call me about working here. I emailed him back and said that our phone number is on our site, and if he couldn’t find it, then he shouldn’t be applying for a job as an investigator.
The investigators at Sherlock Investigations are here because they’ve all proven themselves in their various areas of expertise. While none of us are perfect, we put forth our best effort to satisfy our clients.