If you googled private investigators you got 4,270,000 listings! That's a lot of competition. Somewhere not too far down the list you found Sherlock Investigations.
But, if you googled ny private investigators, private investigators in new york, new york private eyes, or any combination thereof, you found that Sherlock Investigations comes up near the top, even though there are a lot of private eyes in New York.
Why is that? For one thing, we've been around since 1995. That should tell you something. From the beginning in 1995, we've been on the Internet. In fact, besides word of mouth, and the occasional publicity in the media, the Internet is the only place we're listed. Once in a while we run ads on Google's Adwords.
However, coming up first in "natural" order is better than an ad appearing when you google a search term.
We've been around for a few years, and intend to be here a few years from now. So, if you need a private investigator to locate someone, run a background investigation, conduct surveillance, or perform a bug sweep, drop us an email at sherlockinvestigations@gmail.com
Also, we welcome unusual investigations, and believe me, we've had them.
This is an interesting and informative article. I guess it would prove to be helpful to those who require the services of a private investigator…
This is an interesting and informative article. I guess it would prove to be helpful to those who require the services of a private investigator…
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